Using the Tag System

The tag system allows you to store any number of user-defined category descriptors for either Bows or their limbs, like bow type, for example. These descriptors are stored in the tags attribute. Both Bow and Limb objects have a tags attribute. The attribute holds a set:

>>> import pybow as pb
>>> vrees =
>>> vrees.tags

Adding Tags

To assign tags to a bow, use either:

>>> vrees.tags.add('type:vrees')

to add a single tag, or:

>>> vrees.tags |= {'type:vrees', 'country:ger'}

for adding a set of tags at once.

Filtering by Tag

Given a corpus of bows, you filter by tag similar to how you filter by something like limb.complete:

>>> rb =
>>> rb.tags
>>> vrees.tags
{'type:vrees', 'country:ger'}
>>> corpus = [rb, vrees]
>>> bodman_bows = []
>>> for bow in corpus:
...     if 'type:bodman' in bow.tags:
...         bodman_bows.append(bow)
>>> len(bodman_bows)

Or, the more concise version:

>>> bodman_bows_2 = [bow
...     for bow in corpus
...     if 'type:bodman' in bow.tags]
>>> len(bodman_bows_2)

And the proof that these do the same thing:

>>> bodman_bows == bodman_bows_2


For set operation and comparison syntax, it is worth checking the relevant chapter of the Python Documentation.